Hooman Content Team

These Party Food Are Perfect for Your Get-Togethers

These Party Food Are Perfect for Your Get-Togethers

What party food items are perfect for your get-togethers? Fish risottoWhite bean and tuna saladSpicy Thai Seafood Soup Get-togethers are the perfect time to go all out with your food. After all, you only get to see those special friends a few times a year. Why not...

Everyday Noodle Recipes from Around the World

Everyday Noodle Recipes from Around the World

What are every day noodle recipes that you can make from around the world? Chicken and Vegetable Pasta SoupSopa Seca with CornKorean Stock with Sardines and Ramen Noodles Noodles are one of the most versatile food items these days. Add them to different dishes...

Start Your Keto Diet with These Suitable Dishes

Start Your Keto Diet with These Suitable Dishes

What are some suitable dishes that you can make to start your keto diet? Cioppino Seafood StewItalian Salad with Canned TunaTuna and Mushroom Bake with Béchamel Sauce The keto diet has become popular for weight loss. In this diet, you limit carbs so that you consume...

Petza de Peligro Recipes Using Canned Food

Petza de Peligro Recipes Using Canned Food

What Petza de Peligro recipes can you make using canned food? Curry Noodles with Sardine BallsTuna Lettuce WrapsVeggie Burgers with Garbanzo BeansTuna Lumpiang ShanghaiWarm Salad with Sardines If you are a working adult, then you probably have...

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Using Canned Food

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Using Canned Food

Spanish sardines recipes, along with dishes using canned vegetables or canned tuna as ingredients, are one of the easiest to cook when you are in a pinch.  Additionally, they can impart health benefits to your diet. In particular, sardines and...

Packed Lunch Ideas for Your Children’s Summer Activities

Packed Lunch Ideas for Your Children’s Summer Activities

What are delicious packed lunch ideas that are perfect for your children’s summer activities? Fish Cake PattyMashed Potato with SardinesSpaghetti with SardinesTuna Cheesies Summertime means endless playtime for most kids. After all, it is when they absolutely don’t...

Yummy and Healthy Recipe Ideas for Mother’s Day

Yummy and Healthy Recipe Ideas for Mother’s Day

What are yummy and healthy recipe ideas you can make for Mother’s Day? Spanish Sardines and Lemongrass Salad RecipeSardine OmeletteTuna Cakes with Salsa Mother’s Day is fast approaching and the best way to celebrate it is to present yummy and healthy food to your mom....