Guided by our core values, our vision in Mega Tiu Lim Foundation is for every Filipino to have access to better nutrition and livelihood so that they are empowered to build better communities. These impactful and sustainable programs seek to nurture the wellbeing of our customers, employees, stakeholders, and the nation.

Mega Sustansya Everyday
Aiming to give back to Filipino families and help pave the way to create sustainable change in their diets for a healthier and happier community through teaching Filipino families the importance of health and nutrition.
Mega Malasakit Kitchen
A program partnered with different groups such as Lin’s Kitchen, Doña Maria, Ideal Macaroni, Lemon Square Lava Cake, to support the unseen front-liners like those manning checkpoints, supermarkets, and barangay health offices.
Mega Bigay Sustansya
Mega Bigay Sustansya aims to alleviate malnutrition among Filipino children by providing nutritious meals meticulously crafted to meet nutritional standards of the beneficiaries. Another aspect this program is to provide nutrition education to Filipino families with the essential knowledge and resources necessary to ensure optimal nutrition for their children.
Latest in Social Responsiblity
Mega Prime Foods Inc. fortifies Mega Bigay Sustansya (MBS) Program in 2023, focuses on a Holistic Nutrition Journey of children
Quezon City, October 18 - Mega Prime Foods Inc. (MPFI) is gearing up for another year as it continues its impactful Mega Bigay Sustansya (MBS) program that kicked-off on October 18. This year MPFI through the Mega Tiu Lim Foundation (MTLF) carries with it symbolic...
Women Leaders: MPFI CEO, Michelle Tiu Lim-Chan, A Force of Inspiration and Malasakit.
Michelle Tiu Lim-Cha, Mega Prime Foods Inc. CEO, Rewriting Women Empowerment in the Workplace Everyone's definition of leadership varies. What makes it compelling is when it's done by a woman. There are numerous renowned female leaders in the Philippines, and their...